Wednesday, February 24, 2010

hey guys I think im going to write a lesson on brownies using step by step directions

Lesson Plan Idea

My lesson plan will be on designing a menu.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Lesson Plan Idea

Hey guys my lesson is going to be on proper safety with knifes in a kitchen

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Krazy Katerers in a larger map100 West Michigan Avenue, Kalamazoo, MI

Cultural Understanding and Global Awareness Assignment

Cultural Understanding and Global Awareness Assignment

Who are the students your students will communicate with (specific location, grade level)?  We are going to work with students in Marsala, Italy through Adobe Connect.  These students will be 5th grade students.

When would your students contact these other students (at what point in their project work)?  We would contact these students when we are building our cultural menu. 

What kinds of questions would they ask each other and what kinds of information would they share? We would share different ingredients that are local to our regions.  In addition we will ask for specific cooking techniques that are also regional to their area.  Students will ask for specific favorite recipes that the students like.  In addition they would ask each other what they use to eat their foods and how they are served and presented. 

What will they do with the information they get from the other students?  Our students will then research to find what items and recipes to find what ingredients we have that we can use from our local grocer.  In addition they will learn the techniques that are required to make the certain items.  From there they will vote to decide what 4 recipes we will put to a food tasting test.  Then students will split in groups and cook each four recipes and have a taste testing over the course of a week.  Friday the students will vote on their favorite and the winner will be put on the menu for our catering business.  The voting will require students not only to take taste into consideration but also ease of preparation and food cost.  We will want to make sure that all these are considered to make the best business decision.  On another note students will have to specifically calculate food cost for a specific recipe.

Tiffany- This looks good!!

Aaron- Looks Awesome


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